Need a few good reasons to shop local? We’ve got plenty.
Keep money in the community.
Compared to chain stores, locally owned businesses keep dollars local longer, enriching the whole community. For every $100 spent at a locally owned business, more than half ($53 to $68) goes back into the community and our tax base. In contrast, for every $100 spent at a chain store, only $14 to $43 is recirculated locally.
Embrace what makes us different
In an increasingly homogenized world, communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and distinct character have an economic and quality of life advantage. If we wanted to live somewhere that looked like everywhere else, we wouldn’t be living in La Plata County!
Create more good jobs.
Locally owned businesses create more jobs locally, offer greater loyalty to their employees, and often offer better wages and benefits than chain stores do. Many locally owned businesses in La Plata County have committed to paying a Living Wage.
Help out the environment.
Local stores help to sustain vibrant, compact, and walkable town centers, which in turn are essential to reducing sprawl, automobile use, habitat loss, and air and water pollution. Many local businesses are making extra strides for the environment. Check out a growing list of Durango’s sustainable businesses.
Invest in the community.
Locally owned businesses build strong communities by sustaining our historic town centers and linking neighbors. Local businesses are owned by people who live here, work here, and are invested in our future, because they directly feel the impact of our decisions.
Put your taxes to good use.
Local businesses need comparatively less infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services as compared to nationally owned stores entering the community. Local businesses also contribute to public budget through taxes at a higher rate than national chains.
How can you help?
A few simples changes in your life can make a huge difference!
Find and patronize a locally owned business whenever possible. Commit to shifting just 10% of your purchases to local businesses and you can make a huge difference for our community!
Dine at a local, independent restaurant and treat yourself to a unique and personal dining experience.
Look for the Local First Member sticker when you shop—that means they are a local, independent business.
Tell your associates, family, and friends what is happening and why. We all create our communities. Let’s create a strong and vibrant community as a legacy for those who follow.
Join the local movement! Support the work of Local First and become a champion for good by joining as a business or non-profit member or individual Localist.