Need a few good reasons to shop local? We’ve got plenty.

How can you help?

A few simples changes in your life can make a huge difference!

  • Find and patronize a locally owned business whenever possible. Commit to shifting just 10% of your purchases to local businesses and you can make a huge difference for our community!

  • Dine at a local, independent restaurant and treat yourself to a unique and personal dining experience.

  • Look for the Local First Member sticker when you shop—that means they are a local, independent business.

  • Tell your associates, family, and friends what is happening and why. We all create our communities. Let’s create a strong and vibrant community as a legacy for those who follow.

  • Join the local movement! Support the work of Local First and become a champion for good by joining as a business or non-profit member or individual Localist.

Why Buy Local?