Small business relief updates
Congress extends PPP an additional two months
On Thursday, the Paycheck Extension Act of 2021 passed the U.S. Senate. This bipartisan deal extends the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for two months from the current March 31 deadline. This extension comes at a vital time for small businesses and ensures that small businesses will have longer access to the allocated funds.
Read our statement »
Additional small business relief updates on Venturize
U.S. Senator Cory Booker shares what’s in the American Rescue Plan for small business
This week, we were joined by U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) for a webinar where he gave remarks on the state of small business and outlined the small business provisions in the American Rescue Plan.
Hear what the Senator had to say »
Survey: How is the pandemic affecting your business?
With the latest round of federal stimulus just passed and changes by the Biden Administration to the Paycheck Protection Program, we would like to know how your business is doing and your experiences with these federal programs.
Take our short survey » |
Small Business Majority speaks out about violence and inequities around the country
Small Business Majority condemns hatred against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
As advocates for the small business community that are focused on building an inclusive and diverse economy, we condemn the hatred that has spawned shocking violence toward Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) over the past year, as well as the dangerous rhetoric and misinformation about the coronavirus that has harmed AAPI-owned businesses.
Small Business Majority stands in solidarity with the AAPI community. We will continue working with our partner organizations and small business network to focus on policies to address systemic discrimination that is actively harming the small business community, and to send the message that AAPI are an invaluable part of our economy and our communities.
Read our full statement »
Georgia voting legislation limits rights, may harm small businesses
Legislation limiting voting rights is a blow to small business owners and all Georgians who should have a voice in selecting the lawmakers who make the policies that impact their livelihoods. Georgia small business owners have had the freedom to pursue the American dream, but that dream cannot exist for everyone unless all citizens have the ability to participate in our elections without barriers.
We also know from the recent past that statewide laws restricting the rights and freedoms of specific groups have far-reaching economic consequences that impact businesses both large and small, and the reaction to these new voting laws will likely be no different.
Read our full statement »
Uninsured Coloradans Can Enroll Now through August 15
Connect for Health Colorado, Colorado’s official health insurance marketplace, has opened a new Uninsured Enrollment Period that runs through August 15, 2021 to help as many people as possible protect their health and safety. Anyone who is uninsured can enroll during this time, without having a qualifying event to sign up. People can enroll by visiting
or calling 855-752-6749. |
Small Business Spotlight
Virginia small business owner advocates for entrepreneurship in her community amid global pandemic
Before Tierra launched iFinancial by Tierra, LLC, she serviced hospital cafeterias in her area for over a decade but eventually felt that her career had run its course. Though she was hesitant about launching her own business at first, she persevered, sought guidance from business organizations and launched her own firm in 2016. Tierra’s
business is a financial services consulting firm where she serves as a duly commissioned notary and licensed signing agent in Maryland and Virginia.
Read more »
Small Business Spotlight
Los Angeles designer has passion that extends well beyond fashion
Johana Hernandez has been surrounded by fashion her whole life. Growing up, her parents worked in sewing factories in Los Angeles, which enabled Johana to learn all about garment design and the production of high-end clothing firsthand. In the beginning, making her own clothes was simply a hobby that Johana
and her mother enjoyed doing together in their spare time, but soon it became a passion and her path to entrepreneurship. After 10 years in the fashion industry, she launched her own brand GLAUDI by Johana Hernandez.
Read more »
Make your voice heard: Are you a small business owner who has started a new business in the last few months? We want to hear from you. Share your story here.
Upcoming Events and Webinars
California COVID-19 Relief Grant Program Round 5 and other relief programs for small business
Monday, March 29, 2021 at 1:00 PM (PT) - Register »
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 1:00 PM (PT) - Register »
Join Small Business Majority to learn about the state's expanded $2 billion Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program and other capital resources available to entrepreneurs in the state of California.
Programa de subvención y otros recursos COVID-19 para las pequeñas empresas
Martes, 30 de marzo de 2021 - 6:00 PM (PT) - Regístrese »
Conéctese con Small Business Majority para conocer sobre los cambios en el programa de subvenciones estatales para pequeñas empresas (con un fondo de $2 mil millones) y otros recursos de capital disponibles para empresarios en el estado de California.
Visit our COVID-19 resource portal for more state and national webinars.
Join the conversation!
COVID-19 has presented the small business community with some challenging obstacles. Stay at home orders and constant shifts in policy have left many small business owners confused and feeling helpless. In times like these, strengthening our communities and networks becomes even more important as we make our way through this crisis. On our online community forum, you can ask questions, seek advice from fellow business owners and share resources.
Our staff is here to help make sense of PPP, loan forgiveness and more.
Venturize: Small business resources and loan options during COVID-19
Visit our educational portal on Venturize to find the latest information on emergency grant and loan programs, or learn about other COVID-19 resources for small businesses.
Venturize is a free online resource hub for small business owners like you who need help accessing tools and resources to grow their businesses. Managed by Small Business Majority, Venturize offers unbiased education and resources about small business loans, retirement and healthcare to empower entrepreneurs to make the best financial decisions for their business.
Recursos de préstamos de emergencia Venturize ahora disponibles en español!

COVID-19 in the News
Congress backed a trillion-dollar job-saving program. ‘No one really knows’ if it’s working.
03/26/2021 | Politico
When the Senate on Thursday voted to extend the nearly $1 trillion Paycheck Protection Program, there were few dissenters for a pandemic-relief program that lawmakers say has sustained tens of millions of small-business jobs.
Workers first: How a unique funder collaboration is reimagining workforce development
03/25/2021 | Inside Philanthropy
Member organizations on the Equity at Work Council include training-focused workforce grantees like JVS, the California Workforce Association, the Building Skills Partnership and NOVAWorks. There are also numerous groups from the worker organizing ecosystem like the California Domestic Workers Coalition, United for Respect and two local chapters of Jobs with Justice. Also on the council are several cross-sector groups like the California EDGE Coalition, Small Business Majority and the Impact America Fund.
Existe ayuda federal para pequeñas empresas, conozca cómo acceder al dinero
03/25/2021 | Radio Bilingue
Xiomara Peña, Vicepresidenta y enlace comunitario de Small Business Majority ofreció a nuestra radio audiencia valiosa información para orientar a los pequeños negociantes sobre las reglas, requisitos y maneras de tener acceso de forma eficaz al dinero que el estado y la federación han destinado para ayudar a las empresas familiares a salir del atolladero y rescatar sus negocios.
The push to extend the Paycheck Protection Program deadline
03/25/2021 | Spectrum News 13
The deadline to apply for PPP is one week away, but that could change if the Senate sends the bill to the White House, extending the deadline for two months. Our Samantha Jo-Roth says that there are still billions of dollars left to be claimed.
Charla Virtual – Mujeres Imparables: Impacto de la pandemia en las mujeres
03/24/2021 | Telemundo 52
El viernes, 26 de marzo a las 2 p.m. PT, te invitamos a una charla donde hablaremos sobre el impacto de la pandemia en las mujeres y el camino a la recuperación. Elva Saray, presentadora de Acceso Total, hablará con Xiomara Peña, Vicepresidenta de Colaboraciones Estratégicas de Small Business Majority, Silvia Gonzalez, Investigadora de UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative, y la Dra. Miriam Nenninger, Terapeuta Familiar.
We check in with Central Florida and Tampa Bay LGBTQ businesses a year into the pandemic
03/24/2021 | Watermark
A poll conducted by Lake Research Partners for Small Business Majority, which surveyed small business owners across the U.S., found 59% reported declined revenue during the pandemic with 60% reporting losses of more than 25%. More than half say the revenues are still down compared to last year.
Leaders and advocates support Governor Newsom’s appointment of new small business advocate
03/23/2021 | EIN Presswire
“Our recovery must focus on equitable small business growth,” said Mark Herbert, Managing Director of California for Small Business Majority. “As a longstanding advocate for small businesses across the state, Tara’s insight and commitment to the needs of all of our entrepreneurs is critical as the State continues its important work to preserve all of the small businesses that make our communities home. Today’s announcement is yet another proof point of Governor Newsom’s ongoing commitment to equity and inclusivity as we recover together.”
Two Calif. women are now leading efforts to support state’s 3.9 million small businesses
03/23/2021 | San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
“(Gray’s) announcement is yet another proof point of Gov. Newsom’s ongoing commitment to equity and inclusivity as we recover together,” said Mark Herbert, managing director at the California office of the Small Business Majority, an organization that works with entrepreneurs and policymakers.
What’s new for small businesses in the American Rescue Plan
03/23/2021 | Vox
“We always recommend talking to your lender, and just staying on top of SBA’s website to see when these programs go live,” says Awesta Sarkash, government affairs manager for the advocacy group Small Business Majority. For now, check out the SBA hub for pandemic relief for more information.
Summit on diversity and entrepreneurship in California: Pathways to recovery and growth
03/22/2021 | Institute of Governmental Studies
One year after the coronavirus outbreak, nearly 30% of California’s small businesses remain closed. Women- and People of Color (POC)-owned businesses have been disproportionately impacted, with thousands expected to close permanently. This virtual summit brings together small business owners and advocates, providers, community lenders, and policy makers from across the state to examine the impacts of COVID and recovery efforts on women- and POC-owned small businesses in California, and how to create an equitable and robust ecosystem that supports diverse entrepreneurs in California.
We drove down interstate 70 and asked people about their American identity. Here were their responses
03/18/2021 | Matter of Fact
Do you feel like you belong in America? Do you feel overlooked in America? We drove down Interstate 70 and explored these questions. |