2019 Annual Meeting

The Power in Community

At our First Annual Member Meeting, we wanted to share with our members just how far Local First has come over the past 10 years, showcase what Local First has accomplished for our members in 2017, and to ask for feedback on ways to improve our member benefits. 

What was Shared: 

The theme of this year’s meeting was leveraging your localness: how to compete with online markets and big box stores. We gave six tips for all of our members to take home and implement to have a better story, stronger relationships with their customers, and grow their markets right here in La Plata County. 

We also had several of our members, Payroll Department, STEAM, Rendezvous Doughnuts, and Durango Outdoor Exchange, tell their story on how they got started and how they have remained relevant in an increasingly online world.

Lastly, we heard from a group of high school students who are trying to get teens to shop locally, and how our business members can help support their efforts. 


We had over 60 businesses and over 100 people show up to hear our stories and provide us with feedback on ways that Local First can continue to be the voice of the local, independent business community. Thank you to everyone that attended!