365 Roofing, LLC

We are raising the bar on roofing contracting. We are a small, family-run business with a deep history in the roofing/contracting industry. Our clients are our priority- with a focus on quality, integrity, communication, and safety. 365 Roofing, LLC offers roof analysis, replacement and repair, fascia & soffit work, skylight replacement and repair. We work with a variety of roof coverings from asphalt shingles to propanel and standing seam. We also specialize in low-slope roofing membranes and can do specialty metal work.

Learn more about 365 Roofing at 365-roofing.com, on Facebook, on Instagram, or by calling (970) 759-4202.

Make home beautiful.
How long has your business been open, and why did you choose to open your business in La Plata County?
I ran a woodworking business in Chicago, but as a Fort Lewis College graduate, I always wanted to return to Durango. After traveling the country in our tiny house on wheels, my wife and I made the decision to settle down in Durango in 2019 and open Animas Craft Woodworks. We couldn’t be more happy with our decision. The support from the local community has been amazing, and we look forward to many years serving La Plata County residents and visitors alike.
What makes your business unique, and what services do you provide?
For my wife and I, living and traveling in a tiny house on wheels meant finding beauty in the small things that make a house your home. This lifestyle of living small inspired a dedication to crafting quality home products that inspire us to slow down and enjoy the things that MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL… family and friends, well-cooked meals, and comfortable surroundings.Animas Craft Woodworks creates handmade custom furniture, home decor, and personalized gifts. With a dedication to both old and new woodworking techniques and a creative spirit, I’ll work with you to craft the perfect addition to your home. Contact me to begin your custom project, no matter how large or small. Or visit our website to learn more and see our line of high-quality, unique woodworking items.
Why should someone LOOK LOCAL and choose your business this year?
I pride myself on providing outstanding customer service from start to finish. I’m available however you like to communicate: by phone, email, text, or just drop by! In my short time back in Durango, I have tried to give back to the community by volunteering, collaborating with other local artisans and businesses, and of course shopping local, like sourcing locally-harvested, sustainable lumber from micro-mills. Find Animas Craft Woodworks online and on social media, where you can see daily stories of what I’m working on and what life is like running a small, maker business.
Learn more at AnimasCraft.com, on Facebook, and on Instagram. Email noah@animascraft.com.

Community Connections
How long has your business been open, and why did you choose to open your business in La Plata County?
In 1985, a group of passionate parents and community members incorporated a new not-for-profit organization to ensure that La Plata County’s children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities had the same opportunities to live, love, learn, work and play as people without disabilities.
What makes your business unique, and what services do you provide?
For 35 years, Community Connections has been the only organization to provide comprehensive eligibility and enrollment, case management and direct services for almost 200 people with disabilities in La Plata County and over 300 in the region.
Through federal, state, and local community support, Community Connections is able to help families give their children with developmental delays or disabilities (like autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome) a positive start in life, and that adults with disabilities can access to improve their life skills, independence, employment and transportation options.
In July 2020, Community Connections assumed operations of the Single Entry Point program that provides case management, care planning and makes referrals for over 400 elderly, blind and people with other disabilities in La Plata and Archuleta counties.
Why should someone LOOK LOCAL and choose your business this year?
You can help create a community that is a healthy, inclusive and welcoming place for all. Look local to Community Connections with your charitable giving this season, support our raffle (see the digital app) and join us at the Festival of Trees over Noel Night weekend.
Learn more at communityconnectionsco.org, on Facebook, and on Instagram.

How long has your business been open, and why did you choose to open your business in La Plata County?
In 2004, Desert Sun Coffee Roasters opened its doors as a way to bring Fair Trade and Certified Organic Coffee to the Durango Area. As outdoor enthusiasts and coffee perfectionists, La Plata County provides the perfect balance of pursuing our passions, contributing to our community, and supporting organic farming and fair trade practices–one cup at a time.
What makes your business unique, and what services do you provide?
As a member-owner of the Cooperative Coffees, we’ve joined 23 other roasters across the U.S. and Canada to establish direct importation of our coffee. No middlemen, no brokers, just us and the farmers. This ensures 100% USDA organic-certified coffee and that our farmers have the best trade terms possible. A coffee bean may travel up to 9,000 miles to land here in Durango, Colorado, and every step of the way we make choices to protect the wellbeing of the people and the environments that make the journey possible. In fact, Cooperative Coffees was honored with the 2020 Sustainability Award in the Business Model category from the Specialty Coffee Association. Sustainability along each level of the supply chain is not just something we do–it’s who we are.
Why should someone LOOK LOCAL and choose your business this year?
From our little corner of Southwest Colorado, your purchase of Desert Sun Coffee directly supports coffee producers, 100% USDA organic-certified practices, and fair-trade and wages across the world. As part of our commitment to “Always Doing the Right Thing,” you can be sure that our coffee is consistent in quality, time and time again. We provide wholesale coffee to coffee shops, restaurants, grocery stores, and direct online sales to individual coffee-lovers across the country.
Learn more at desertsuncoffee.com, on Facebook, and on Instagram.
Durango Land and Homes

Learn more at durangolandandhomes.com, and on Facebook.
FredrickZink & Associates, CPAs
Learn more at durangocpas.com, or call (970) 247.0506.

How long has your business been open, and why did you choose to open your business in La Plata County?
KDUR began broadcasting in Febryary 1975. Jim Vlasich was a non-traditional student at Fort Lewis College and thought the college could use a radio station. He was right!
What makes your business unique, and what services do you provide?
What makes KDUR unique is that it’s a radio station programmed by the Fort Lewis College students and residents of Durango and La Plata County. Our locally produced public affairs programs offer glimpses into local organizations and events that make the Durango community a better place. Our music programs are hosted by music lovers that are mentally invested in sounds they love, sounds they share with you.
This is not a cookie-cutter radio station; this is a one-of-a-kind radio station that beautifully defies categorization. The service provided by KDUR is education. Education in the form of music. Education in the form of community enlightenment and awareness via programs and public service announcements. Education in the form of news from the world. Education and awareness is priceless.
Why should someone LOOK LOCAL and choose your business this year?
Look local for KDUR because KDUR is local. Our DJs are the cool kids whose record collection you envied, or the older sibling whose taste in music you admired. Those cool kids and those siblings are your friends and neighbors. Our locally produced public affairs programs provide insight into organizations that serve you, that better your and your neighbors’ world. The information conveyed via the KDUR airwaves provides opportunities to broaden your taste in music, to attend an event that supports a great organization while teaching you something, or to tap into important issues of the day.
Choosing KDUR means you want to have a musical soundtrack for your life that isn’t something you’ve heard a million times before. Choosing KDUR means you want to invest in and learn about your community, reflecting the belief that keeping it local is a way to better your world. When you better your own local surroundings, you’re making those surroundings better for everyone.
Learn more at kdur.org, on Facebook, and on Instagram.
Mountain View Family HealthCare

How long has your business been open and why did you choose to open it in La Plata County?
What makes your business unique and what services do you provide?
Why should someone look local and choose your business this year?
Rivergate Pharmacy
We also offer medical equipment sales and rentals, locally sourced products, our own private label supplements, our exclusive line of pharmaceutical-grade CBD products, and pharmacy-formulated hand sanitizer.
We have always been dedicated to the health and well-being of our community. Besides our designation as a Thrive Living Wage Employer, we strive to demonstrate our commitment to local families by offering our free vitamin program to area children, making donations to selected nonprofits, and by holding our annual giving tree fundraiser that supports various local organizations.
Rothchild General Dentistry

Advanced dental care with holistic options in mind.
Dr. John Rothchild and the staff at Rothchild General Dentistry are committed to delivering safe, high quality dental care for you and your family. Serving the Durango area since 2006, Dr. Rothchild and his team utilize the latest advances in dental technology to provide maximum comfort for oral exams, cleanings, imaging, mercury removal, laser dentistry (with no or minimal anesthesia for children and adults), and general dentistry, as well as using dental materials that are safe for the body and mouth. Combining state of the art tools with natural modalities and philosophies which support total body health, Rothchild General Dentistry offers exceptional care for all ages.
Rothchild General Dentistry is located in Three Springs at 175 Mercado Street, Suite 115. Call the office to schedule your appointment at 382-7780 and for more information, check out their website at holisticdentistrdurango.com
In addition to general dentistry, Dr. Rothchild and his team are pleased to now offer to patients sleep solutions to treat a variety of conditions which contribute to sleep disturbance behavior, including sleep apnea and snoring. Visit sleepsolutionsdurango.com for more information.
Learn more at holisticdentistrydurango.com, or call (970) 382.7780
San Juan Hand Therapy

Learn more at www.sanjuanhandtherapy.com, and on Facebook.
Southwest Appliance

Learn more at southwestapplianceinc.com, and on Facebook.
Sunnyside Farms Market

How long has your business been open and why did you choose to open it in La Plata County?

What makes your business unique and what services do you provide?

Why should someone look local and choose your business this year?
Learn more at sunnysidefarmsmarket.com, and on Facebook.
Ultrasteam Professional Cleaning and Restoration, Inc.

Learn more at ultrasteamcleaning.com, and on Facebook.
Wanderful Wheels